Punzal Vision
December 28, 2023

Christmas Spirit Week & Gift Exchange!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! 

We hope you all had a great Christmas Day and a festive weekend with your friends and family.

Last week Team Punzal Vision participated in our annual Christmas Spirit Week and Secret Santa gifting!

Each day of the week our team dressed up with a themed outfit to celebrate the holidays!

We also shared themed gifts with our Secret Santa on each themed day of the week.

Monday - Self Care

Gift: We started the week by giving each other a small gift of self-care.

Outfit: We practiced gratitude and remembered that we are not alone by TWINNING with a co-worker we were thankful for.

Punzal Vision Sprit Week - Twinning

Tuesday - Re-Gift Exchange

Gift: We re-gifted each other something that was time to pass on for someone else to enjoy!

Outfit: We re-used a Black Friday outfit from a past year, by wearing it today!

Punzal Vision Sprit Week - Black Friday

Thursday - Sweet or Salty

Gift: Some of us are sweet and some of us are salty. Today's Secret Santa gift was a sweet or salty treat.

Outfit: In honor of Dr. Punzal's tousled locks, Wednesday was wacky hair day!

Punzal Vision Sprit Week - Wacky Hair
Punzal Vision Sprit Week - Wacky Hair

Friday - Favorite Things

Gift: We each gave one of our favorite things - something that we wanted the recipient to love just as much as we do!

Outfit: On Friday of Spirit Week our outfit was to dress from head to toe in our favorite color.

Punzal Vision Sprit Week - Favorite Color

Saturday - The Night Before The Night Before Christmas

Gift: We each gave something that helps us to relax in the evening, wind down for bed, or sleep restfully through the night!

Outfit: On the night before, the night before - we wore comfy clothes or (Christmas) pajamas to prepare for the holiday!

Punzal Vision Sprit Week - Night Before

We had so much fun participating in this year's Christmas Spirit Week and Secret Santa gift exchange in the office!

We hope you all enjoyed our holiday festivities as well and we look forward to SEEing you all soon!

Happy Holidays from Team Punzal Vision!

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