Punzal Vision
April 10, 2023

Common Eye Problems and How to Identify Them

Common Eye Problems and How to Identify Them

Our eyes are one of the most important tools that we have to process and navigate the world around us! Unfortunately, many people suffer from common eye problems that can affect their vision and impact their ability to participate in and live a full quality of life.

Today, we'll take a look at six of the most common eye problems that we frequently see in our patients, how to identify them, and the steps that should be taken if you are experiencing any of these eye problems!


Nearsightedness, or myopia, is a condition where objects in the distance appear blurry. This happens when the eyeball becomes elongated, causing light to focus in front of the retina instead of directly on it. If you have trouble seeing things such as road signs and other objects in the distance, you may be nearsighted.


Farsightedness, or hyperopia, is a condition where objects that are up close appear blurry. This happens when the eyeball becomes shortened, causing light to focus behind the retina instead of directly on it. If you have trouble seeing things up close, such as text in a book or on a screen, you may be farsighted.


Astigmatism is a condition where the cornea or lens of the eye is misshapen, causing blurry or distorted vision at all distances. If you have trouble seeing clearly in general, or notice that your vision is distorted or blurry in any way, you may have astigmatism. If you identify any of these symptoms, it is important to seek out an optometrist to diagnose these symptoms as early as possible.

Eye Strain

As a result of uncorrected nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, patients will often experience eye fatigue which can lead to tension headaches. If you spend long periods of time looking at your computer or phone screen or working on things that are up close and in detail, you may experience eye strain if your nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism goes untreated.

Dry Eye

Dry eye occurs when the eyes aren't able to produce enough tears to lubricate your eyes, or if the tears that you are producing are of poor quality. This can cause a range of symptoms, including dryness, burning, stinging, and redness of the eyes. If you experience any of these symptoms, you may have dry eye and it is recommended that you set up an appointment with an optometrist.

Red Eye

Red eye is a condition where the white part of the eye appears red or pink. This can be caused by allergies, infections, and irritants such as dust or other pollutants. Excessive screen time and untreated dry eye can also lead to red eye. If you notice that your eyes are red, it's important to identify the underlying cause and seek treatment if necessary.

These are just a few of the most common eye problems that people experience!

If you are experiencing any of these issues with your vision, please give us a call at (808) 278-8383 or click the link below to Schedule an Appointment.

Dr. Punzal will diagnose any issues that you may have and recommend the best course of treatment to help you see clearly and comfortably.

Remember, taking care of your eyes is a priority and is absolutely essential to your overall health and well-being!

We look forward to SEEing you soon!

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