Punzal Vision
May 31, 2021

Memorial Day + World No Tobacco Day

Punzal Vision wishes you a great Memorial Day weekend.

We hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend and that you are able to spend quality time with your friends, family, and loved ones on this day!

Along with Memorial day, May 31st is also recognized as World No Tobacco Day!

We all know the effects that Tobacco can have on our lungs- but did you know that smoking tobacco can increase chances of eye disease and vision loss?

Smoking increases the risk for:

- Macular Degeneration
- Cataracts
- Glaucoma
- Dry Eye Syndrome
- and Diabetic Retinopathy

If you are a current tobacco smoker and are concerned about these issues, let's schedule an appointment- we're here to help!

Stay active, eat clean, and take care of your systemic health!

We hope to SEE you soon!

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